Cierra Jaye is a charismatic young designer from Southern New Jersey who is taking the fashion industry by storm! I met her a couple of years ago, and was blessed to stay in touch and get to know her better. I'm so impressed with her sense of style, talent, and her incredible work ethic. Not only that, but, more importantly, she's a woman of faith.

We did a quick photo shoot last fall and she answered some questions for my When Sleeping Women Wake project. Since then, she's been making custom dresses for lots of influencers and fashionistas including Juju from Love & Hip Hop NY!
We did a quick photo shoot last fall and she answered some questions for my When Sleeping Women Wake project. Since then, she's been making custom dresses for lots of influencers and fashionistas including Juju from Love & Hip Hop NY!
Here's a peek into our Q & A:
Q - Describe the obstacles that used to hold you back (real or imagined)?
A - For a while, one of the obstacles that would hold me back was being the "outcast". I would constantly overthink. Especially in college. When it came to Designing, of course I knew that having a sense of originality and creativity was acceptable and also inevitable but I was always "different" and I wondered if I "played down" certain aspects of myself, would I be better received or accepted? It was only after I began to create what I knew I truly loved, confidently, that I'd worry less about being different. I still overthink now, but not nearly as badly. I had to learn that I am given visions and ideas for a reason, they make me who I am and add to every fiber of my character and even if they don't result in a way I imagined them to, I ultimately learn from taking that chance but most importantly, I did it MY way!
Another very real obstacle is having a true fear of the unknown! Although this was an obstacle that I forced myself to quickly overcome, when I'd feel very unfamiliar or uncomfortable about something that could ultimately put me in an even greater position, I'd think of all of the "what ifs" and not how amazing the possible outcomes could be if I were to just take the chance. Once I got rid of that mindset, I took on one of  "the higher the risk, the greater the reward!" and it's one of the greatest decisions I've ever made.
Q - What particular situation changed your thinking? In other words, what was your "aha moment"?
A - Getting fired. I loved my last job and while it had its ups and downs, I did ultimately enjoy going into work everyday. I enjoyed being able to express my creativity through my work and although I was juggling both it and my brand, I enjoyed it. But getting fired for a reason that was so incredibly asinine (and one that I can truthfully laugh at) to me was actually a blessing in disguise. Just 7 months after my first very successful product release, I had nearly 100 unshipped orders sitting in my que and had just been terminated from my job. I knew at that moment not only what I had to do, but what I genuinely WANTED to do next.
Q - Describe your work and how you're working toward (and living) your dream.
A - Right now, I completely design and run every single aspect of my brand. With the help of a few interns, I make by hand Ready-to-Wear fashion as well as all promotion/marketing and all other logistics that go into the brand, in its entirety. From design and manufacturing to shipment and beyond. I am slowly expanding in a way that isn't too quickly or too much too soon. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I'm more mindful of how much I personally take on by allowing myself to ask for help when I know I need it.
Q - What's the best piece of advice that you would offer to your younger self?
A - The best piece of advice that I could give my former self would have to be to always remain focused on prioritizing my own happiness and to focus very much on all that I aspire to become. To save money and not to revolve so much of your world around snotty nose boys.
Q - How can others contact you and/or learn more about you?
A - Follow me on any social media, @MissThrilla